mini mini.

a rather frivolous sketch of my dream car. :)

( Saturday, April 12, 2008 22:33)

seamour sheep (designer toy)

mei mei - house of liu series (designer toy)

it feels like a hangover right now.


the dreamer

they come out at night when the moon is bright from under his bed, to the dreams in his head..

brown dreams

archi. my room. macbook. acoustic guitar. ipod nano. mini cooper. The Apartment.

bloody ogres

adrian. alex. chuinee. joann. justintan. limys. lixi. ming. powpow. rian. serene. shanchin. terry. thri. wenjie. wensi. yuyin. zhibang. s6aints.

my flickr. sarah's sketches. blu.

monster talk

water creatures


designer | c.yo
image&brushes | lomographylove
host | photobucket

so yesterdays

6/4/08 - 13/4/08 1/3/09 - 8/3/09 22/3/09 - 29/3/09 5/4/09 - 12/4/09 12/4/09 - 19/4/09 7/6/09 - 14/6/09 30/8/09 - 6/9/09 25/10/09 - 1/11/09 1/11/09 - 8/11/09 15/11/09 - 22/11/09 24/1/10 - 31/1/10 31/1/10 - 7/2/10 7/2/10 - 14/2/10 28/3/10 - 4/4/10

tick tock