upside down/inside out.

stressed, stressed like banana.

unsuccessful to enter nus twice, failed to secure scholarship to sheffield, so here i am back in motherland just to study archi. yet sometimes, for just a very minute moment, i dont think im happy.

will it be worthwhile? i dont know, i have no idea - but i dont think the struggle would be long. well, you dont have to be the best to be happy.

( Friday, November 06, 2009 22:11)

the dreamer

they come out at night when the moon is bright from under his bed, to the dreams in his head..

brown dreams

archi. my room. macbook. acoustic guitar. ipod nano. mini cooper. The Apartment.

bloody ogres

adrian. alex. chuinee. joann. justintan. limys. lixi. ming. powpow. rian. serene. shanchin. terry. thri. wenjie. wensi. yuyin. zhibang. s6aints.

my flickr. sarah's sketches. blu.

monster talk

water creatures


designer | c.yo
image&brushes | lomographylove
host | photobucket

so yesterdays

6/4/08 - 13/4/08 1/3/09 - 8/3/09 22/3/09 - 29/3/09 5/4/09 - 12/4/09 12/4/09 - 19/4/09 7/6/09 - 14/6/09 30/8/09 - 6/9/09 25/10/09 - 1/11/09 1/11/09 - 8/11/09 15/11/09 - 22/11/09 24/1/10 - 31/1/10 31/1/10 - 7/2/10 7/2/10 - 14/2/10 28/3/10 - 4/4/10

tick tock