just being melancholy.

it's almost 1.30 am now, my autocads are pretty much done and i have no other things to do. so im supposed to be asleep, but apparently im not, cant.

everyth doesnt seem to go the way it should be. talk bout design studio - first this lecturer was rather happy with my design (i mean so am i) and i thought im almost there. then the main lecturer didnt really like it so my interim result kena marked down. how wonderful. and now im still lost and have to redesign when the final is only two weeks away. awesome.

so. what do they really want? i have no idea. and guess i shouldnt be too depressed for that for design is always subjective. alright.

and oh. yea i have a HUGE crush on her. i have even heard bout her flaws. yet it doesnt mean i want anyth more than that. enough stuff to keep me occupied already so not now :D

( Thursday, October 29, 2009 01:35)

the dreamer

they come out at night when the moon is bright from under his bed, to the dreams in his head..

brown dreams

archi. my room. macbook. acoustic guitar. ipod nano. mini cooper. The Apartment.

bloody ogres

adrian. alex. chuinee. joann. justintan. limys. lixi. ming. powpow. rian. serene. shanchin. terry. thri. wenjie. wensi. yuyin. zhibang. s6aints.

my flickr. sarah's sketches. blu.

monster talk

water creatures


designer | c.yo
image&brushes | lomographylove
host | photobucket

so yesterdays

6/4/08 - 13/4/08 1/3/09 - 8/3/09 22/3/09 - 29/3/09 5/4/09 - 12/4/09 12/4/09 - 19/4/09 7/6/09 - 14/6/09 30/8/09 - 6/9/09 25/10/09 - 1/11/09 1/11/09 - 8/11/09 15/11/09 - 22/11/09 24/1/10 - 31/1/10 31/1/10 - 7/2/10 7/2/10 - 14/2/10 28/3/10 - 4/4/10

tick tock